David Jewitt
Part-time Board Member
David Jewitt brings to the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board extensive experience in Labour Relations and Human Rights litigation and mediation in the public and private sector.
When he was in private practice, Mr. Jewitt litigated exclusively in the labour and human rights field presenting cases before labour tribunals and at all levels of the courts up to the Supreme Court of Canada.
In 2018 he left the private practice of law and began working as a mediator and arbitrator in Ontario. Mr. Jewitt is a member of the Ontario Labour Management Arbitrators Association, (OLMAA) the Canadian Council of Administrative Tribunals (CCAT), the ADR Institute of Canada (ADRIC), the ADR Institute of Ontario (ADRIO), and the Law Society of Ontario.
Mr Jewitt holds a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) (Common Law) from the University of Ottawa, and a Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy) from Lakehead University.