Early Resolution Program

The Early Resolution Program helps parties resolve their disputes much more quickly and without need of a hearing. The Program aims to solve cases sooner by having open and evaluative discussions between the parties involved and an Early Resolution Officer (the ERO). Conversations can be held with the parties jointly or separately.

The ERO may ask questions about your dispute to clearly understand your concerns. It is essential that you meet with the ERO fully prepared to discuss, in detail, all issues relevant to your case. With the information you provide, they can help you evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your case, based on the facts, the availability of evidence to prove the facts, and the way the Board has decided similar cases. And, they can help you look at possible solutions to get your dispute resolved appropriately, quickly and efficiently.

If the dispute isn’t resolved through these discussions, the ERO might suggest to you, or recommend to the Board, that you try one of the Board’s dispute resolution methods like mediation, a settlement conference, expedited adjudication, or mediation/arbitration. The ERO can also recommend that a matter proceed to a case management conference before a board member.

If the matter does go to a hearing, nothing that the ERO has discussed with you will be shared with the Board member who hears the matter if it has been shared in confidence. However, the ERO can help you to narrow the issues in dispute, handle any initial problems, and help ensure that the case is all set for a quick and efficient hearing.

For more information about the Early Resolution Program, you can contact mdrs-smrd@fpslreb-crtespf.gc.ca.