The training at the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board (FPSLREB or “the Board”) includes the following courses, of varying lengths:

Virtual Session: Introduction to Mediation at the Board: to introduce parties to the mediation services at the Board and how mediation may be applicable to various staffing, labour relations and collective bargaining situations and disputes.
For more information and to register, please click here.
Participating in Mediation at the Board: to assist parties in learning the basic skills of interest-based negotiation in the context of mediation at the Board. This interactive course allows parties to practice techniques to feel more comfortable participating in mediation to resolve their differences.
For more information and to register, please click here.
An Overview of the Board’s Mandate, Processes and Jurisprudence in Staffing-Related Matters: to provide an understanding of the Board’s mandate relating to staffing complaints, the procedures in place and an overview of some of its decisions on the matter.
More information will be provided once new dates for the course have been planned.