These documents aim at providing general information. They have no legal status and do not provide legal advice. If you need legal advice, please contact a lawyer or other representative. In the event of any discrepancy between the legislation and the information contained in these documents, the legislation will apply.
- Can the FPSLREB help me?
- Hearings before the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board
- Labour Relations Procedural Guide
- Procedural Guide for Staffing Complaints
- Presentation on Staffing
- Representing yourself in labour relations matters
- Complaints – Occupational Health and Safety (CLC)
- Videoconferencing Guidelines
- Procedural Guide for the Accelerated Adjudication of grievances filed in accordance with the Phoenix Pay System Damages Agreement (2019)
- Procedural Guide for the Accelerated Adjudication of grievances filed in accordance with the Memorandum of Agreement on Damages caused by the Phoenix Pay System (2020) Public Service Alliance of Canada