Steven B. Katkin

Board Member

Steven B. Katkin has extensive experience in labour and employment law, including industrial relations, labour standards, human rights, collective bargaining, constitutional and Charter of Rights issues and pay and employment equity. He has litigated before arbitration boards, labour relations boards and administrative tribunals in both federal and provincial jurisdictions.

Mr. Katkin holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Carleton University and a Licence en Droit (LL.L.) from Université Laval and he is a member of the Lord Reading Law Society, where he has served as president. He was an appointed member of the Disciplinary Council of the Quebec Bar Association from 2002 to 2016.

From 2011 to 2021, Mr. Katkin was a full-time member of the Public Service Labour Relations Board (PSLRB), now known as the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board (FPSLREB). On March 4, 2022, he was appointed as a part-time member of the FPSLREB for a three-year term.