General Information
The Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board (FPSLREB) was established on November 1, 2014, to replace the former Public Service Labour Relations Board (PSLRB) and the former Public Service Staffing Tribunal (PSST). The FPSLREB is an independent, quasi-judicial statutory tribunal with responsibilities in two large areas: labour relations and employment (staffing).
Labour Relations Matters
With respect to labour relations, the FPSLREB is responsible for administering the collective bargaining and grievance adjudication systems in the federal public and parliamentary service. FPSLREB members hold hearings throughout Canada in relation to grievances (including those that raise human rights issues), adjudication and complaints. The FPSLREB also provides mediation and conflict resolution services to help parties resolve differences without resorting to a formal hearing.
The statutes administered by the FPSLREB in relation to labour relations matters are the following:
- Federal Public Sector Labour Relations Act
- Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act
- Certain provisions of Part II of the Canada Labour Code
- Yukon Education Labour Relations Act
- Yukon Federal Public Sector Labour Relations Act
Labour relations proceedings before the FPSLREB include grievance adjudication, applications for certification, revocation of certification, complaints of unfair labour practices, identification of positions whose duties are of a managerial and confidential nature, determination of essential services agreements where parties fail to agree, determination of successor rights, enforcement of obligations of employer and employee organization, and complaints against reprisals that resulted when federal employees exercised their rights relating to workplace health and safety under Part II of the Canada Labour Code.
Under an agreement with the Yukon government, the FPSLREB administers the collective bargaining and grievance adjudication systems under the Yukon Education Labour Relations Act and the Yukon Federal Public Sector Labour Relations Act. When performing these functions funded by the Yukon government, the FPSLREB acts respectively as the Yukon Teachers Labour Relations Board and the Yukon Public Service Labour Relations Board.
Staffing (Employment) Matters
With respect to staffing or employment matters, the FPSLREB has the authority under the Public Service Employment Act to deal with complaints in the federal public service related to internal appointments and lay-offs, the implementation of corrective measures ordered by the FPSLREB and revocations of appointments. The FPSLREB conducts hearings, settlement conferences and mediation sessions in order to resolve complaints.
In fulfilling its mandate, the FPSLREB fosters fair and transparent staffing practices, which contribute to a public service that is formed based on merit and embodying linguistic duality and human rights.