Filing Subsequent documents

The purpose of this practice note is to inform parties of the process for filing subsequent documents with the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board (FPSLREB), which is described in greater detail in section 7 of the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations Regulations (the Regulations).

Subsequent documents

Once an initiating document has been filed and a proceeding has begun, any document that is sent to the FPSLREB thereafter is considered a subsequent document. The Regulations state that any subsequent document must be filed with the FPSLREB.


The person sending subsequent documents to the FPSLREB is also responsible for providing copies of that document to the other party, to "every person in receipt of an initiating document by virtue of section 4" of the Regulations, and to intervenors. When an individual, group or policy grievance raises an issue involving the interpretation or application of the Canadian Human Rights Act, the sender should also provide a copy to the Canadian Human Rights Commission.


To protect the privacy of certain information, the Regulations also state that certain subsequent documents should not be copied. These documents include applications for a summons, the documentary evidence referred to in section 30 (relating to an application for certification) and section 42 (relating to an application for revocation), the lists provided by the employer under section 32 and section 44, statements of opposition, and applications to amend statements of opposition.