Process for Cases Where Parties Have Reached a Settlement, an Agreement in Principle, or Are in Settlement Discussions

1. Introduction

The Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board (FPSLREB) is committed to resolving cases more efficiently. To this end, this process has been implemented for cases where parties have reached a settlement, an agreement in principle, or are in settlement discussions.

2. Scope

This process applies to all parties involved in a case where parties:

  • have reached a settlement;
  • have reached an agreement in principle;
  • are in settlement discussions.

This process does not apply to parties without bargaining agent or employer representation. The Board will deal with those cases individually, and the parties to these cases will be kept informed.

3. Process Steps

3.1 Notification

Parties will be notified that their case will be placed in abeyance (on hold) for one year.

3.2 Case Review

If the case hasn’t been withdrawn a year after the above notification, and no party has explained why the case should remain open, the Board will close the file.

3.3 Reminder

Before the one-year time limit expires, the parties will be reminded of the one-year time limit and the approaching case closure.

4. Effective date

This new process is effective starting February 26, 2024, and will only apply to files settled after that date.

5. Conclusion

This new process aims to streamline case management and ensure timely resolution of cases. At any point during that process, parties are encouraged to withdraw resolved files or communicate with the Board regarding any development or issue pertaining to the case.