Submitting cover letters and correspondence
Key elements of cover letters and correspondence
Cover letters and correspondence can help our staff process your application in a more efficient manner.
When your cover letter is attached to an initiating document (i.e.: a request for an extension, an application for certification, an application for revocation, a complaint), please be sure to include the following information, as it will facilitate the opening of your file:
- In the subject line, please state the nature of the issue and/or related sections of the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations Act (FPSLRA), including the applicant's name and that of the respondent:
Reference to adjudication: Individual grievance
John Smith
Department of Transport
If it is applicable, also include the following information:
- The number of the form you are submitting (e.g., form 21) and what documents are accompanying that form.
- Your position on participating in the mediation process and, if you are receptive to mediation, the name and telephone number of your proposed contact for mediation (if known).
- Your position on participating in the expedited adjudication process. (Parties must have a signed memorandum of understanding with the FPSLREB to participate in such a process.)
- The anticipated number of days required for the hearing.
- The hearing location requested. (The FPSLREB does its best to accommodate the parties with respect to the location of the hearing. These sites are usually major centres closest to the work location of the grievor/applicant.)
- Whether you anticipate a need for simultaneous interpretation.
Once the FPSLREB has acknowledged receipt of a specific matter and a case file number has been assigned, please include that number on all subsequent correspondence in addition to the basic information:
- In the subject line, please state the nature of the issue and/or related sections of the FPSLRA, including the applicant’s name, FPSLREB file number and the name of the respondent:
Reference to adjudication: Individual grievance
John Smith (166-02-12345)
Department of Transport
- Please provide a list of any attached documents and indicate to whom the letter and documents have been copied.
For more information…
Please also consult the practice note on filing subsequent documents.